Thursday, December 3, 2009

Austin is a nice place to live

I love live in Austin. there are so many reason I chose Austin for live. Fri st of all, Austin has nice weather. It is four season clearly. even in the winter isn't freezing and the temperature is similar to Taiwan, so very belong to me. In addition, Austin is famous for music city that collect many great musician. Whenever I could easily found the music concert and people play musical on the street. Also, Austin is multicultural city. Many sort of people live in here, so I can learn English while realise cultural form other countries and eat their food. Finally, the inhabitants of Austin were friendly. Every time when I have question people always patient to listen and answer my question. All in all, Austin was a nice place. I have never seen before. Although I just stay Austin short period time for learning English, but I wouldn't forget this city.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WEEKly word #5

Unusual or strange/ when I met with church friend.

To punish somebody by hitting many time/ My cousin told to their mother.

To risk money on a race/ When I play poor ball with my friend.

Making you feel embarrassed or different to deal with/ When I watched "gossip girls".

5. Freak out(ph)
A person who is behave to be unusual by by using drug/ When I watched "gossip girls".

Too polite to somebody, but that isn't sincere/ When I watched "gossip girls".

WEEKly word #4

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

South Africa's political was unstable, people can't find job, and disease But who dare help them ? Who could really help them to grow.

I feel this news just Microsoft's kind of marketing. Window 7 was publish not longer they used as an alternative guarantee of nsa. to increase their popularity.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This accident happened in Taiwan. In afternoon of November 20, A tow truck while towing a truck in the highway. The tow truck was going south. They are going to Kau Suho.When tow truck was passing through Taoyuan Yangmei toll station. The driver said that his brake was losing control. The tow truck crash refuge. The police suspect because of the rear load too heavy with wet weather. Fortunately, the speed was not fast, and driver suffered minor injuries. The car also only minor damage, but when the accident occurred at work rush hour, toll stations and traffic gridlock make nearly 3 hours.

Weekly word #5

1.Sunny-side up
It is kind of fired egg/The egg just fired one side. When I went to diner.
A small flat dry cake/a soft bread/ When I went to diner.
A situation in which an a vehicle's engine suddenly stops, because it is not getting enough power/ When I drove to school I saw
Obtained by using your feelings rather than by consider the face/ When I ask my cousin.
To say or do something that you will annoy somebody/My aunt always said to her children
6.goose bumps
It is physical reaction when temperature suddenly down/Early morning my cousin said

Thursday, November 19, 2009

South Africa's War #8

South Africa has highest crime rates in the world. As many as 50 people a day are killed in South Africa. The government want to control of crime before South Africa hosts next World Cup soccer championship. People called the government's "shoot-to-kill" policy. It is outbreak by three years old boy. He was death by police's gun shoot. The boy's uncle said the police didn't made warning shots and asked question. then people began debate on this issue, but in other hand since 2007, 212 policemen have been killed in the line of duty.

Reaction to commend
Some people said that He suggest South Africa government learn from Saudi Arabia. Lop off cranial's right hand. So Saudi Arabia has low crime rate. but I feel that why everytime. when we saw the South Africa's news always talked about crime, poverty, or AIDS. Is it people like watched? I think that they may have some thing good.

South Africa's political situation was unstable people can't find jobs, and there is disease, But who dares to help them? who could really help them to grow?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NSA Is Giving Microsoft Some Help On Windows #7

A senior NSA official said on Tuesday.The National Security Agency has been working with help improve security measures, because hacker was develop. only privet company was no strong enough to protect computer. so NSA helped Microsoft to develop, but it is not just help Microsoft. NSA also helped Apple, Sun, and RedHat, on security standards for their products. "The FBI considers the cyber threat against our nation to be one of the greatest concerns of the 21st century," so he Obama administration has been under pressure. He may make decision as early as next week.

The computer was rich our life. We could easily to get information, but at same time, we lost our private and protect. This could be a big problime. as Facebook and My space even hacker. How could we protect ourself?

I feel this news is just Microsoft's kind of marketing. Window7 was published not long after They used it as an alternative guarantee of NSA to increase their popularity.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly word #4

1.How come
It is same mean as “why” / when I watch Dr. zo talk show
2. Doom
death or destruction/any terrible event that you can’t avoid/when I watched movie 2012
3.think up
Figure out/ when I told with Annie
To make something such as interest/ when I saw the electronic book’s ad
to learn a lot of things in a short time/ when I study on Sunday
6.Car pool
a group of car who take turns to drive and only one car is used at a time/when I told with my aunt

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Digital School Library #6

An elite boarding school in Ashburnham. Their are just spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to renovating library,even change the well and carpets. This library is different from general library we saw. There is a new cafe where the circulation desk used to be. Before the students stood beside the stacks found books, but now students sit in easy chairs, studying or watching one of the three new flat-screen TVs. School officials had noticed the trend. The student students weren't turning to printed materials for research. instead they were go to online.

I have never seen library like that. just in the movie I saw. This is experiment school,but I am envy they have digital school library. I like using search material online. It is convenience and fast,but in other hand, I was a little worry. Because Internet have to many thing you can do. Sometime, When I study, I should shut off my computer. I couldn't concentrate on study and If someday the Internet system is break. How is my life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

40 Years Of Lessons On 'Sesame Street #5

Sesame street have been broadcasting forty years. Sesame Street was always considered an experiment. When they post first episode in 1969, Nov, 10. They are doubt and could children learn from television?, but now we knew the answer. Sesame street is a successful TV show, because during the forty years. Sesame Street still up data their tools and what children could learning easier.

Time is going fast. Sesame Street was very famous TV show in Taiwan. I was their fans, and I always remember when I was young. That is only channel I can watching while eating dinner.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weekly word #3

In the football team who direct team's attacting and pass/ When I saw football at UT
Crossing the other team's goal line while carrying the ball/ When I saw football at UT
3.Offense team
Who main aim is to get score points/ When I saw football at UT
The action of dropping the ball / When I saw football at UT
5.Water cooler
It is a machine that dispenses drinking water/ When I saw football at UT
In the meal each guest bring some food then share out among the guest/whit my aunt go to her friend house

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Not Your Average Noodle #4

David Chang, He is a chef in New York. Ramen = broth + noodles + meat + toppings and garnishes. When he first tried ramen the same way most people in America think. It look like simple recipe. He was learning cook in japan. Then realize the ramen is totally different than what most Americans think ramen should be.

I was like rame. It was famous in Taiwan. but just period time. But I have some experience like Chang. I used to ate chinese food in America but I always flet something different from my country. but I can't told what is different.Maybe American like this flavor and the chef need to care marketplace trend. but I wish someday Ican eat real chinese food in Austin.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Steering Wheel Laptop Desk #3

This is hot personal accessory. One reviewer said this is call time saver even "the greatest thing ever invented." as e-mail as convenient. It is produce from Amazon. It like steer connect desk it is help you write and drink in your mobile office but Amazon suggest customer for safety reasons,never use this product while driving. "they catch some customer's comment some said this is helpful his life. Holds his sheet music perfectly while driving. Even this product was suggest. but still have some customer disagree.

This product I have never heard. I think it is useful. as Insurance salesman, mailman, or Courier. who often drive while working in outside. Although I think that may impede drive. but it is a good product. In the this generation everything is possible. If people want. Maybe couple years later Car may can fly.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly word #2

When the almost people want to do something. some group people disobey./big group may boycott to small group.
The power to give orders to people/Image if you are a student in TIEP. study is your authority.
A group of twelve of the same thing/If you are in the supermarket you could see like
dozen of egg or dozen of coke.
It is kind of drug. when it is smoked give you relaxed and comfortable. young people's
idiom. It is marijuana.
Produce without using artificial chemicals/ you can easy see this word in supermarket
or restaurant.
This word is noun. this machine it is sell something could without human. It often sell soft drink or snack/you could see this machine everyday.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Me 2.0: Branding yourself online #2

In past decade people began to respect for personal brand. It was passive to sell yourself. you just could work hard then that you boss know your advantage. Now Internet have made easily to sell you brand but idea is to promote yourself like what did you doing great,short, skill and personal brand. then if people need you they will come to you first. on the other hand Blogging is extremely important, but it's very hard to be successful now because there are so many blogs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

compare and contrast paragraph

Today I am going to compare and contrast Roma and my life. Now we are in twenty one century. It is science and technology generation compare to Roma. In that time, the electric didn't appear in Roma. so people just can use labor power to do work.
Roma is a feudalism world. resident couldn't vote their king or queen.and all of power control by king.he can decide what you to do or your life but in now we can vote our leader and give government opinion or contest.
all in all, we are in different world. I can't tell which one is better.sun is same day by day. just do your favor. everything is depend on you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weekly word #1

1.Give me a break-
I don’t really believe what you are telling me(rock bend party in our community)

2.I will show you around-
I will introduce you to what I interesting(rock bend party in our community)

3.send me up–
In falsely incriminate condition (with my aunt family)

4.trick or treat-
This is traditional game In Hallowmas only for kid(with my aunt family)

5.I think we are on common ground-
we have same opinion about something(with my aunt family)

6.stop pressuring me-
stop to make me to do some thing(with my aunt family)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

American juster #1

This is funny story today I saw. this game is appear long time age. before I saw was in the movie. it is two knight riding horse
, wear armor and take huge long wood fight until someone falling down. It is interest If you are a office worker or busy work around year, life is boring. this is good choice to join them. taste different life maybe you can obtain more and more.

this new is catch from

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


why Maximus picks up the dirt and and lets it fall through his fingers
In the first he pick up the dirt it is like give him more courage or victory and where is he from.
In the second lets it fall through his fingers. he was a farmer in his country because he had long time doesn't go back his home about two year. he is missing his wife and son. so he had had daydream want to be a framer and see his family as soon as possible.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hello my name is Cheng Chieh Yang or you can call me David. I come from Taiwan. I am twenty five years old.This is my first time came to austin. I have been austin for five days and I live with my aunt's family. every is new and doubt to me. I hope could be better as soon as possible. My habit is swimming and watching movie especial action movie. I will still Austin for seven monthsand I wish I can be good English speaker